Simply click on the word sleep at the top of the home page and you will find a wide variety of guesthouses to choose from

On the sleep page you will find a filter button. The filter button will allow you to select guesthouses based availability, price, location, rating and amenities

On the sleep page you will find a "sort button" this button will allow you to organize guesthouses from cheapest to most expensive, by the guesthouse closest to you and more.

Each guesthouse has a star rating you will see in Green. This is Kazderni's rating for the guesthouse

Each guesthouse has a user Rating. These are ratings by people who have stayed at this guesthouse. This will be a number rating such as (4.6/5.0)

There is a map button at the bottom of the sleep section, this button will show you where every guesthouse is on the map

Once you click on a guesthouse you will see a help button at the bottom of the page, this help button will show you a video on how to explore the page and book

After you book, the guesthouse owner will receive a request for the booking. They will either approve the booking, or cancel the booking and give you a reason for the cancellation

After a booking is approved you have 24 hours to make a payment via OMT, Western Union or Whish. But if you paid via credit card your card will automatically be charged. In MOST cases you will not pay the full amount and only pay a deposit.

You can send a transfer via OMT, Whish and click on 'Bookings at the bottom of the home page. There you will see a button to upload your receipt. Upload your receipt and wait for final approval
Event schedules

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